Thursday, December 12, 2013

Research Blog 8

I have interviewed a family member, as accepted by Professor Goeller, about choices made in college. I interviewed my grandfather about college, because I knew he handled college, being in the service, a family, and a full time job. I knew he had many choices to make, and decided I wanted to interview someone personal so that I could form conclusions about choices in college. I learned that choices are very important in achieving success, in that students must stay focused, even if they are juggling many things. Although it is a busy time in every student's life, the right choices can lead you on the path to success.

What were the hardest choices made in college?

-It was an easy choice to go to college, but the hardest choice was the subject load. I had to go at night and I had a full time job. I had to make choices of things I could and couldn't do throughout the year.

Did you socialize in college?

-No. I went to night school and had a family.

What was your major?

-Business Administration

Did you get a job pertaining to your major? If so, what?

-Yes-Corporate Auditor for a major utility company

Did your social life affect your academics?


How did you finance college?

-G.I. Bill of Rights

Did your financial choices prove successful? Why?

-I did not have financial choices in college, my GI Bill covered the costs. I just had to be responsible and go to my classes and manage a home life as well.

Do you feel you made the right choices in college to ultimate success? Why?

-Yes. From high school and being in the service, I was always focused that one day I would probably be working in the accounting and financial disciplines at some future time. I stayed focused and went regularly to my classes, did homework, and managed my social life and family. I proved successful because I made a comfortable living for myself and my family.

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